Contracted Services
Using the Contracted Services Form for U.S. Residents
The process of engaging individuals will require the completion of the Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ) and an evaluation by HR to determine whether an individual is an independent contractor or whether an employer-employee relationship exists.
- You will be instructed to hire or process the payment request through Payroll or make a vendor code request through Accounting Services and payment through Accounts Payable.
- The ICQ that has been reviewed and signed by HR must be attached to all vendor code requests for independent contractors effective 1/1/2015.
To make payments to U.S. Resident Independent Contractor Payments to Individuals, submit a completed and signed Contracted Services Form for U.S. Residents with an invoice and/or other documentation.
- The Contracted Services Form (CSF) is also used for honoraria, regardless of dollar amount.
- For reimbursing an independent contractor, a completed Visitor's Expense Report documenting pre-approved expenses must accompany the Contracted Services Form and Payment Request for Contracted Services.
- Note: Each time you open this form, a unique Request # is assigned in the barcode field.
- The request number is not final until the form is printed.
- This Request number can be used as the Invoice Number in the Online Voucher.
Complete the Contracted Services Form
- Enter the Requestor and Department contact information. Select a Check Handling method. Enter the Vendor's ID number in the Payee ID field.
- You can look this up using the vendor search in an Online Voucher or via the Cognos SC025 Vendor Info Query report.
- If a vendor code does not exist, complete the Vendor Add/Update Request form on the NUPortal, Payments tab.
- Enter the Contractor Information section.
- Enter University Payment Request dates, chart string(s), and Amounts.
- Send the form to the contractor (email, fax, or mail). Ask the contractor to sign the form and return it to you. Original signatures and documents are preferred (required when charged to a grant).
- Obtain the signatures of all applicable Approvers.
- Note: if the contracted services amount is $5,000 or greater, or the contracted services are being charged to a grant, then the form must be signed by the School or Center. Otherwise, just the PI's signature will suffice.
Once the form has been completed and received all necessary signatures, please attach it to the Payment Request to the Independent Contractor (along with all necessary receipts for travel reimbursements).
Paying Nonresident Independent Contractors
Before bringing an independent contractor to the University, please review the Northwestern policy on Engaging Individuals as Independent Contractors and Consultants to assure compliance.
Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ)
All payments to nonresident independent contractors for speaker fees, honorariums, as well as prizes and awards, must first complete the Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ) to assure they are processed correctly to comply with federal employment law and new ACA laws.
This form, along with the appropriate payment packet below, should follow the ICQ guidelines and, if applicable, send to Compensation for approval before sending the packet to the Payroll Office. Please review the form for instructions to determine when additional signatures from Compensation are required.
Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ)
In addition to correctly identifying your individual as an independent contractor, the most important consideration is hiring a nonresident independent contractor, is assuring they have the correct immigration status required to perform and be paid by NU. Please review the list of appropriate immigration status’s BEFORE inviting your contractor to Northwestern. We cannot hire or pay individuals who do not have the appropriate status to be paid.
If you have any questions or would like assistance completing these forms or which packet to complete, please contact the Payroll Office and ask for a non-resident specialist to assist you. (847) 491-7362 or
Payment Packet
Contracted Services Payment packet
Please complete Page 3-4 of this packet, print and sign all pages. The forms are connected so all the data entry is done on only two pages and the remainder of the packet only requires signatures.
Payments to non-resident independent contractors are issued by check and mailed to the department address as indicated by the check address on the Contracted Services Form. If your independent contractor would like an electronic funds transfer, they can fill out one of the forms below and notate this preference on the Contracted Services Form.
Direct Deposit Form Use this form for funds transfer into a U.S. bank account.
International Wire Transfer Request Form Use this form for funds transfer into a foreign bank account.
If you need assistance making a determination on how to pay an individual, the reference guide below outlines the most common payment types and links to the appropriate payment forms and process.
Purchasing and Payments Methods Quick Reference Guide
Paying Prizes and Awards
Please see above for Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ) that must also be completed and submitted with any payment requests for prizes and awards to non-residents.
- Payment packet for Prizes and Awards
Contains forms and explanation for making payments for prizes and awards for non-residents.
Note: If services are required in exchange for the prize or award, you must use the Non-resident Independent Contractor payment packet.
Paying Royalties
Payment Packet for Royalties
payments for nonresident royalties should use this payment packet.